Friday, December 30, 2005

This little tidbit is from , my site of the moment enjoy...

December 30, 2005

Depends on If You Make Your Saving Throw

Girl #1: We only fucked for like 2 minutes.
Girl #2: Why?
Girl #1: He has ADD.
Girl #2: Is that, like, when the person has more than one personality?
Girl #1: No, I wish. Role playing would be a lot easier.

--Hunter College North-West bridge

Overheard by: Collegiate Cutie

Everyone you love will die

I’m not going to go into any fancy introduction to my blog because I most likely will be the only reading this.

I sit here staring at a blank screen. This is the reason I haven’t put any thing on the web before. I don’t know what to say.

The story goes like this…

…You are a part of an immortal race of beings that have mastered the universe known to you. You are only a few in numbers due to the lack of reproductive needs, and the all the people of your race love and adore each other. Eons ago you traded the need of power for the joy of learning and exploring. The greatest feeling aside from love is sense of awe. Being immortal new things and experiences are far and few between, so finding wonder is greatly desired. Your race, during your latest expedition got trapped on this amazing planet full of life. The great thing is this new world is full of awe and wonder. The not so great thing is you lost your immortality. You are ageing. You will die soon. Everyone you love will die soon. What do you do? How do you lead your now fleeting life?