Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Here are a few revolutionary ideas anyone can steal from me. (Most likely I am not the first to come up with them.)

Musicians, it is very hard to make a living off your original music. This is a tough hard fact, sorry. There are a lot of bands that make good money here in Seattle. For example The Beatniks. These guys are fair in the music world although they are living well off of performing covers. Due to the flood of cover bands filling up the bars out in the world doing every type of music from 70’s, 80’s, Funk, Southern Rock, to shtick bands, like, all girl AC/DC cover bands, the field is taped out. Or is it?

My Idea; Cover mash ups songs. Mash ups are hot music right now.
Kinda’ rebellious, Very catchy and with endless possibilities.

Next Idea; just about everyone drives, and everyone has something to say. How about a lit scrolling display that fits at the base of your car’s rear window. It is programmable so you could put in any message through a remote. And at a push of a button you can tell the driver tailgating you to ….FUCK OFF ASHOLE…. In bright scrolling letters. You can advertise ….Buy Tamales at MADRIDS GORMET TAMALES… Or get a date
…HEY HOT CHICK, CALL ME…..206-555-1212…. Just imagine how fast this item would sell. With today’s technology this item would be as cheap as a calculator or some Chinese made Walmart thingy. Hop on it folks! Just don’t tell me how much $$$ you have made.

Last Idea; (for now) MMORPG’s are the future.
We can’t imagine where they will take us, but we do know they will make lots of money, real and digital.,1,634991.story?coll=bal-ideas-
A while ago a joke was played in a gaming magazine, about the merging of some popular MMORPG’s and gamers went apeshit. Why be a joke? With my idea I don’t want to merge games, just create a portal in each MMORPG to a world/place/dimension etc. that any character from all MMORPG’s can go. I have story that makes it plausible (a good one too). There would be no monthly user fee, and a definite way to make lots of money. I figure someone is working on this idea right now…
Good luck to them.


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